Thameside ERF
Thameside Energy Recovery Facility
Viridor is about to commence the construction of a new Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) at Tilbury Docks.
The Thameside ERF will be a new Energy from Waste (EfW) facility which recovers energy from residual black bag (non-recycled) waste. The electricity generated from the facility will generate enough energy to power the equivalent of 93,000 homes.
Viridor’s aim is to reach commercial operation of the new EfW in 2028.
Clearance and preparation of the site has already taken place and construction works are expected to commence soon.

What is an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF)?
An Energy Recovery Facility provides the means for renewable energy to be recovered from residual waste. This site will treat around 350,000 of residual waste per annum and turn it into electricity.
What is residual waste?
After reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible, we are left with residual black bag waste. This is the waste that cannot currently be recycled. Energy recovery burns this non-recyclable waste at high temperatures under carefully controlled conditions to produce electricity, instead of seeing it go to landfill.
These facilities reduce the use of fossils fuels to create electricity, cut emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce our dependence on landfill.
To find out more about how an ERF works, see the Virtual ERF below.

About Thameside ERF
Thameside ERF is the latest EfW facility in the Viridor fleet. The site is located in the Port of Tilbury, on the north-west side of the Docks. The electricity generated from the facility will feed into the National Grid to help power our homes. It will be linked via underground cables to the Tilbury substation on the east side of the Docks.
Project update
Thameside ERF has already received planning consent from the Government, which means it is now entering the construction phase ahead of becoming operational.
Site clearance and preparation works commenced earlier this year, with construction works expected to commence late in 2024 until 2028. This is when the facility will be set to begin commercial operations, and start to recover renewable energy from residual waste. In the next few months, works will be taking place to lay the foundations of the facility and work on key structures.
We will keep you updated on our construction progress through regular newsletters and via this website.

Why do we need an ERF?
We have an urgent need to move to renewable sources of energy, and Viridor Thameside ERF will contribute to this transition. The UK Government has set ambitious goals to meet the challenge posed by climate change, including decarbonising our electricity system by 2035.
How will the project benefit the local community?
Viridor is committed to supporting the communities in which we operate. We are keen to give back to the community, not only through providing job opportunities, but also by being involved with community projects.
We will look to put money where the community itself wants and needs it, which could mean supporting local groups to renovate community hubs, helping out foodbanks or donating to local schools or sports associations.
Community liaison group
Viridor will now lead the existing Tilbury Liaison Committee to provide a regular communications forum between the site and the local community. Meetings will take place approximately every quarter. Please get in touch if you would like more information about dates or members.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch.
Email: info@viridorthameside.co.uk
Call: 01375 806470
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Tilbury Liaison Committee (minutes & agenda)
For meeting minutes click here