Ending landfill in Scotland takes a step closer as Viridor and Equitix join forces to build new Scottish Energy recovery facility

Viridor and Equitix are growing their existing relationship, coming together to invest in, and deliver, the new Westfield Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) located in Fife, Scotland. The facility, currently under construction, is expected to be fully operational by May 2025.
When operational, the facility will treat 238,000 tonnes of waste a year, equivalent to the waste produced by c. 437,000 Scottish households. The facility will use the waste to generate reliable domestic power for c. 55,000 Scottish homes. The facility will also recycle metals and nearly 50,000 tonnes of aggregates, replacing quarried materials.
Alongside increased reuse and recycling, recovery of energy from waste is a critical technology to deliver Scotland’s end to the routine use of landfill and move waste up the hierarchy. It is integral to the Scottish Government’s ambitions to deliver a zero waste, circular economy which encourages waste reduction, boost recycling and recover valuable energy from what remains. Diverting waste from landfill avoids the production of methane - a potent greenhouse gas - and is key to helping reduce the climate impact of the waste produced in the Scottish economy.
The site’s strategic location offers the potential for further waste decarbonisation through exciting technologies such as carbon capture. The site is located near to the Scottish Carbon Capture Cluster which is expected to be developed this decade.
Viridor CEO, Kevin Bradshaw commented “This is a significant milestone in Viridor’s growth journey to continue diverting waste away from landfill. With Westfield’s strategic location, we have the exciting potential to further develop our carbon capture plans and our commitment to be net zero by 2040.”
Viridor Group Business Development Director Richard Belfield commented “This latest venture with Equitix builds on the already mature relationship and underlines Viridor’s commitment to support the end of landfill and waste exports in Scotland. This facility will further reduce carbon and environmental emissions whilst contributing to vital baseload power generation"
Equitix CEO, Hugh Crossley commented “We are pleased to be further enhancing our partnership with Viridor and together, contributing to the delivery of a zero waste, circular economy within Scotland via the Westfield Energy Recovery Facility in Fife.”
For more information please contact Communications@Viridor.co.uk